Sunday, 12 October 2008

I've got a little list

Well actually it was a pretty big list that has now been whittled down. We have been steadily working our way through things like; clean caravan, put on winter wheels, buy and fit caravan cover - Done
Have a water meter fitted so we don't have a standing charge for water that we won't be using because we are on Caxton - Done
Take out River and Canal Rescue (RCR) cover for Caxton - Done
The list of kit needed for life aboard the boat has been reduced to two items now, a rug and a small coal scuttle.
The coal scuttle we are confident that we will get from Limekiln Chandler's in Stourport but the rug is quite a different matter. Searching for a rug that is the right colour, the right dimensions and the right price has really exercised my patience and tramping from town to town has made a big dent in my 'green' credentials!
We are now looking at the amount of kit to be transferred to Caxton and wondering if we can do it in the two trips we have planned - it could be three!
Oops, another great big dent in the 'greens' - I'll start planting those offset winter pansies then...

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