Friday, 13 March 2009

Floyd - Update

Floyd had me up a couple of times in the night but this morning he seems to have perked up! He was interested in some food, an excellent sign, and he is definitely no worse so fears of a blocked gut are receding. Provided he doesn't regurgitate his breakfast I think we can assume that he is on the mend. Yippee do da..


Dogsontour by Greygal said...

Top news. You can't keep a good dog down...

Nb Yarwood said...

You bet Greygal!! Much relief all round.

Del and Al said...

That's good news....hope he's fighting fit soon x

Nb Yarwood said...

Thanks Del and Al - Floyds sends his regards..

Unknown said...

Great News mate.
The Muttster

Brian and Diana on NB Harnser said...

We hope he is on the mend, I have been told that hide dog chews can cause blockage problems, but having had 3 dustbins (Labradors)I have never hada problem myself and they have all loved them.
Magic is trying to help type this with paws everwhere, including the sofa.

Nb Yarwood said...

Calling Harnser
Floyd is is just fine now,back to Labrador normality thank goodness.