Friday 2 January 2009


We are moored just north of Kilby Village by bridge 82, quaintly called Turnover Bridge right by Turnover Lock. It has been a lovely bright sunny day with some real warmth in the sun! We have covered some 5 miles and ten locks but we have struggled to find a suitable mooring along this stretch of the GU because of the overgrown banks! We are squeezed in here just off the lock landing.
I had taken a call from Stuart, Caxton's builder, about a couple that had been following the Blog from their home in INDIA and were interested in having a boat built. The Couple were with Stuart now and wondered it they could come and see Caxton. Debbie and Bill duly turned up having managed to find our mooring joined us for a coffee and looked over Caxton.
Pleased to meet you both folks, have a safe trip back to India and keep looking in.

Earlier I had a bit of an unpleasant incident with a man who was 'unhappy' about Fletcher apparently going for his dog. Fletcher had just passed through a bridge with me on his heels when there was some noisy startled barking - I dashes through to find Fletcher sitting down and a man holding his collar, "GET THIS DOG ON A LEAD BEFORE I KICK HIM!" Nice..
Neither dog were on leads.

While I slipped Fletcher's lead on I was treated to a further tirade from this red faced gentleman
A bit startled I responded, "There is no need to be so aggressive. Why are you shouting at me?"
More shouting...
" Stop shouting at me please!"
"I will not stop shouting, your dog attacked mine."
Having asked him to stop shouting and not even having had the chance to apologise, I Lost It! I lost it big time!
Stepping right up into his face I shouted full volume, "STOP ****** SHOUTING AT ME NOW!!!"
He stopped.
We moved on.
It wasn't necessary.


Dogsontour by Greygal said...

I can't really see Fletcher 'attacking' anything other than his dinner...I'd have shoved the git in the cut. What is it with some people? Happy New Year to you all!

Nb Yarwood said...

I had a windlass in my hand, who knows, I could be doing TIME now if he hadn't scurried away?
Happy New Year to you and A and mutts - see you soon.