Friday, 6 March 2009

Getting intimate..

I have been getting intimate with the nether regions - of the cottage. Crawling around on all fours wiping down skirting boards, plug sockets and the like, as well as being perched precariously up a step ladder dusting light fittings, is the order of the day at the moment.
We have had the central heating boiler serviced for the prospective new owners but now the integrated dishwasher is buggering about and we would feel guilty about leaving things as they are. I suspect we will be replacing the darn contraption.


Dogsontour by Greygal said...

Darn, and there I was thinking I was going to get some hot and steamy post to enliven my Friday afternoon. You're a terrible tease, Mrs K.

Nb Yarwood said...

I thought that WAS hot and steamy -heavens woman I am getting on you know, this is Lesley on Caxton not Joan Collins in The Stud - thinks, maybe she would like to swap...

Dogsontour by Greygal said...

Getting on? Come off it, you could walk the hind leg off two labs, five greyhounds, two Tibetan terriers, Sue's greyhounds and still have energy to whip up a tofu surprise. Bet Joanie couldn't do that..and you've still got all your own hair which is more than she has...

Nb Yarwood said...

You can't see the join can you?