Saturday, 14 March 2009

How Embarrassing

Yet another circular trip to the municipal tip and the charity shop with the contents of the loft space this time. Motorbike boots, old suit cases, Christmas decorations, assorted desk paraphernalia from the days when we worked for a living, a rotary washing line that literally gave up the ghost this morning. The charity shop also got a couple of designer handbags and my scuba mask, fins and snorkel; not much use for any of that on a Narrowboat.
Whilst emptying the redundant suitcases I also found a whole raft of old photographs, a sure fire guaranteed way to divert you from the task in hand. Lots of former holiday shots, bronzed bodies, slightly sloshed expressions, beautiful Mediterranean vistas and ...what's this, why have we kept these?
The topless sunbathing photo's, how embarrassing! Where's that shredder?


Anonymous said...

Ooh I don't know, the old scuba gear might have been quite handy the other day when a length of sari tethered our rudder to the counter!

Unknown said...


Nb Yarwood said...

Let me think - Me paddling about in the Oxford Canal in a fluorescent mask,snorkel and matching fins ....
I'll get back to you..

Nb Yarwood said...

What's this disgusted of Cropredy?

Unknown said...

You've lost me; I'll blame it on the hangover