Friday, 20 March 2009

There's efficient..

There's efficient for you. At 06.08 this morning I received an e-mail from the solictor dealing with our house sale etc. At 06.11 I replied and three minutes later came the response. We meet on Tuesday morning to sign all documentation - The move is ON!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lesley,
The last time we moved I thought of charging the solicitor for my time as it seemed that I had done most of the work...what did you use a cattle prod!!!!

Doreen said...

I would like to get a gps device but don't know what is best to buy. Which do you have and is it good for planning routes to walk from the boat? and also easy to use?

Anonymous said...

Apropos nothing - how's is Joe's beard regrowth getting on (being as there was such an overwhelming vote in favour of the fluff)? Or is he being a bare-faced rebel?

Nb Yarwood said...

Joe is resisting the views of the electorate and is still 'cleanish' shaven. I think the beard will be back when weare back on Caxton though.

Nb Yarwood said...

Hi John
I recognise your experience, been there a few times. With this move I was pretty insistant that the Estate Agent, Lorna, recommend an efficient solicitor and as she is a demanding impatient sort herself she came good on the recommendation. So a good start... then we make it crystal clear to the solicitor what we wanted and stayed on the case.