Monday, 29 June 2009

Penultimate Day

Tomorrow we start OUR big adventure, leaving Brinklow and launching ourselves as CCer's, Continuous Cruisers that is, those who travel the network of canals and rivers day in day out without a home mooring.
Today therefore is a day of last minute chores.
And with this in mind, we were woken this morning by Floyd and Fletcher jumping on our bed; the bedding has now been stripped and washed and the door between their sleeping compartment and us will remain closed in future.. Towels are now in the tumble drier and another wash is in the machine.
I have promised myself that I will empty the larder and try to exert some sense of order; it is bulging at the seams as I have brought goods from the larder at the cottage to add to that which is already aboard Caxton - just how much Worcestershire sauce does anyone need?
Joe has gone off early to take the car to Peterborough and then return by coach to Coventry and finally by taxi back here to Brinklow where he will expect to see all the scrapes to Caxton's blacking rectified by you know who....

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