Above - he above sees all. A view from above Bugsworth.
On Monday we took ourselves into Whaley Bridge, a mile away, to catch a bus or train to Dove Holes and Buxton. The men were going to Buxton to shop and the women were going to walk Dove Dale with the four dogs. Well that was the plan.
We gathered at the bus stop and the bus duly arrived; packed with people. On we gets, by now it was standing room only for Joe, Me and the Labs.
Arriving at Dove Holes, the three women disembark accompanied by the dogs and ask the driver which way to Dove Dale? We should have realised at this point of course that something was amiss because the Driver hadn't a clue.... Fine, we would ask a local and spookily, there just happened to be a couple of 'locals' at the next bus stop:they hadn't a clue either. Try the shop then. 'No idea' says the shop owner. So we set off in roughly the direction that we thought would take us towards the boats and hoping we were right, set out to enjoy our walk. We had no map and the GPS battery had gone flat so prepared we were not!
With true grit we soldiered on and finally emerged high on a ridge overlooking Buxworth Village which is adjacent to the basin and there below us was Caxton gleaming in the sunshine. We had walked 7.75 miles. When I checked the map of course, I found that Dove Holes is nothing to do with Dove Dale. What a Dimwit!
Fantastic Photos - a real incentive for us to come further north next year.
Sue, Indigo Dream
It is so lovely up here and as always we are in no rush to get anywhere so we are seeing plenty of it...
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