Sunday 12 December 2010

Not so much a North Atlantic Convey..

The Away2Service coal boat was going to attempt to break through the ice to reach us with supplies of coal and diesel on Thursday afternoon but they couldn't make any headway.  Instead the diesel was decanted into gerry cans and wheeled down the towpath to us.  Sixty litres for Caxton and another sixty for Matilda Rose saw us topped up.  However, the coal supply was loaded into the Company's small day boat and they set off through the thawed Sherbourne loop to reach us from the other direction.  They nearly made it but their tiny boat wasn't going to make much impression on the ice so Matilda Rose was pressed into action, Joe on the bow with a boat pole and Graham at the helm.....

He's watching MR approaching him through the ice...Is that a look of trepidation on his face? 
I was on the bridge telling the supply boat when it was safe to emerge, MR having done its work of breaking a 'road' through for them.
Success, the coal is delivered and off-loaded through Caxton's well deck.


Anonymous said...

not a lot of wood about in brum thats the only problem with brum.

Anonymous said...

You;d have been better backing up and going into Sherborne Wharf. It's cheaper - especially the pump-out, and you get a rinse.

Nb Yarwood said...

Hi Anon
Caxton is not in need of pump-outs, we are a cassette boat fortunately. We were charged 78p per litre not bad given they walked the supplies down to us in the ice so no complaints about Away2Service from us.