Thursday 13 November 2008

Out to play

Knock, knock.....'Can the boys come out to play?'
Opening Caxton's rear doors revealed the dogs, Muttley and Baxter, (voice-over provided by Graham, their owner, of Nb Matilda Rose) eagerly awaiting the company of their new playmates.
So off they went, hammering around the open spaces here at Brinklow, four dogs having the time of their lives doing what dogs do best, running, chasing, leaping, feinting and dodging each other. They were soon joined by Bessie a rescue Greyhound and a wee black mongrel belonging to Keith one of the caretaking team here. There is s refreshing attitude to dogs here at Brinklow; no notices to keep dogs on leads, or under close control. Provided you are responsible and assiduous about cleaning up after you canine companions you can enjoy these park like surroundings, including the dogs swimming in the two large ponds here.
Well to be fair that is what attracted us to mooring here; DOGS WELCOME, and they are!


Unknown said...

Thank you both for a lovely evening, I thought Baxter and Mutley where big lap dogs but Fletcher and Floyd take the biscuit and some.

Dogsontour by Greygal said...

Oooh, does Bessie belong to Pip? He/she left a comment on my blog but I can't find it now - lives on the Heggy Peggle or something like, resident at Brinklow. Done sterling work with rescuing Spanish galgos/greys - do pass on my regards if you see them!

Imagine if I let my lot loose...

Nb Yarwood said...

Bessie does belong to Pip (lady)and she is very involved with Grey rescue the boat is NB. Peggy Heggerty.

Nb Yarwood said...

Yes, well you were not meant to see my ruffty, tuffty dogs cuddled up on Joe's lap - what is this going to do for their street cred?