Tuesday, 10 March 2009

And in the LOO corner we have...

Loo update.

When we arrived back at Brinklow Marina a few weeks ago I took off to see family leaving Joe under the bed playing with the vacu cassette. We had previously made a flying visit to Lee Sanitation and discussed the likely cause of the exploding loo issues we had experienced. For a very small expense we bought the parts and Joe set about a slight modification in the plumbing of the loo.

Above the re-plumbed cassette with pipe clips securing the flexible feed tube.
Whilst rummaging under the bed Joe discovered that Mr. Mould had taken up residence along the sides of the boat under the bed and in my bedside cupboard below. This unwanted tenant has now been ousted and vents are being fitted to the bed base and cabinets and the the cold water pipe have been lagged to stop future incursions...


Anonymous said...

Wow that looks a complicated poo processor light years away from the bucket and chuck it.


Nb Yarwood said...

Hi John
Pretty civilised aye - We are happy with the choice and find it very convenient to use.
How are the curtains?

Unknown said...

I have a frightening image of you under the bed, bum in air, taking these photos. Which reminds me...now where did I store that other photo....

Nb Yarwood said...

Eh that would be Joe's bum in the air as he was the photographer - remember, I have photo's of YOU as well!!!!

Pip said...

The new loo piping looks remarkably like ours now! Fingers crossed for no more showers of s**t!

Pip x

Nb Yarwood said...

Plumbed as per the instructions from Leesan - I think that it will be just fine now.